Steadfast Athlete Mihir Jadhav is a champion cyclist from Maharashtra. Quite dramatically, his interest in cycling developed at the age of six when his father went for a cycle ride from Mumbai to Kanyakumari. In the initial years of Mihir’s life, his father, Mr Hemant Jadhav, used to tell him about his cycle rides, which encouraged him to go for rides in the first place. With his participation in a Mumbai to Pune ride at the age of eleven, Mihir started his professional cycling career and never turned back. The Steadfast Athlete is currently a national champion and dreams of playing at the Union Cycliste Internationale's World Championships.
Know more about him:
Birthday: May 3
No food allergies
Food preferences: Non-veg
Coach: Arvind Panwar
Favourite Sportsperson(s): Fabian Cancellara and Michael Phelps
Date of joining Steadfast: September 30, 2021
- Fifth in 25th National Road Cycling Championship (2020)
- First in National School Games, Sangli (2016-17)
- Third in Dadar Khopali Race (2016)
- Second in 61st National School Games (2015-16)
- First in State School Games (2015-16)
- First in Rugged Sahyadri Kolhapur (MTB) (2015)