Meet Steadfast Athlete Sachin Sharma, First Indian to Complete the Everesting 10K Challenge

Meet Steadfast Athlete Sachin Sharma, First Indian to Complete the Everesting 10K Challenge

Feb 19, 2024

A 24-year-old trail runner from Manali in the Himalayas, Sachin Sharma has been playing the sport for a while. He recently became the first Indian to complete the Everesting 10K challenge, a game that entails going up and down a hill for 10,000 metres without pausing to rest.

Sachin began the challenge at 6:32 am on November 26, 2022, and finished it without stopping for 37 hours and 46 minutes at 8:08 pm on November 27. The place was the well-known Lamadugh Trail, spanning 10,046 metres across 13 loops. For Sachin Sharma, setting the Everesting 10K National Record was no easy task and he encountered many challenges along the way.

Probably the most draining part was the psychological aspect of pushing himself and staying motivated when he felt like giving up. The weather made things difficult, with nighttime lows below freezing temperatures and high gusts making the trip more arduous. The ascent was steep due to the tough terrain and height that ranged from 2100 to 3000 metres.

Sachin didn’t have to worry about his nutrition getting spoilt due to the extreme weather conditions. The single-serving sachet formula by Steadfast Nutrition had his back. Power Protein was his best buddy during these 37 hours and helped his muscles recover on the go.

In 2022, Shiven raced near two high-altitude lakes in the Indian Himalayas, Bhrigu and Rani Sui, in 15 hours and 28 minutes, setting a new FKT (Fastest Known Time) record. He covered 49 kilometres, gaining 4670 m in elevation.

Sachin has been actively using Steadfast Nutrition products for his endurance trail runs.

“For me, associating with Steadfast was a blessing to my training plans, it was never so easy to have hands on nutrition while I was on the run,” Sachin said. He is a fan of the Steadfast Backpack- the multiple storage compartments have made it easy to take his camping stuff without carrying any additional bag.

What does Sachin’s National Record mean for Trail Running in India?

Sachin's national record has immense significance for Indian trail running. First, it promotes India as a nation with elite trail runners. Secondly, it motivates other Indian runners to pursue similar achievements. Many individuals think this might be a turning point for the national sport.

Sachin's accomplishment has demonstrated that Indians can compete successfully in trail running, which may encourage more people to take up the activity.

Sachin is constantly looking for new challenges and ways to improve.

He says, “An active lifestyle is something I intended to pursue in life but in my unique space. While other neighbourhood kids played cricket, I would sweat it out sprinting on the same ground. Another interesting dimension to my teenage life was training in various Martial Arts disciplines such as Karate and Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ).”