May 13, 2020

Teas have been a part of our daily routine for ages, known to be provide multiple benefits to our health. People bond over a cup of tea uniting them coming from different cultures and languages. There are different varieties of teas available in the market and each has its own distinctive role to play.

Let’s learn how to prepare three teas known for boosting immunity, digestion and energy.

1. Immunity Tea
Boil some water, add tulsi leaves, ginger, cinnamon and black pepper. Let it boil over for some time so that each of the ingredients gives out their nutrient-rich colour. Add tea to it and let it boil for a few minutes. As the aroma starts to build add some milk to it. Turn off the gas and your amazing cup of tea is ready to consume. You may use jaggery powder as a sweetener or even some sugar will do.

Magic Ingredients:

Tulsi: Relieves Cold, Alleviates Stress
Cinnamon: Anti-Fungal Properties, Controls Blood Sugar
Black Pepper: Power Antioxidant, Aids in Absorption of Nutrients

2. Digestive Tea
Start with boiling some water add some cardamom and cinnamon. Add tea to it and do not boil for too long only for about 2mins while it turns into a beautiful amber colour. You may add a few strands of saffron, finishing off with a few drops of lemon juice that aids in digestion. It is great to have after heavy meals giving no trouble to your digestive system.

Magic Ingredients:

Cardamom: Freshen Breath, Fights Heartburn, Controls IBS
Cinnamon: Balances hormones after a meal, Boosts Metabolism, Controls Blood Sugar

3. Energising Tea
Put some water to boil, lemongrass for the amazing aroma, mint leaves for better respiration, ginger for taste and some chai masala. Add tea to it and let it boil for a good period so that it acquires to the strong taste. Add a splash of milk keeping the ingredients of tea intact. It is great to be enjoyed as a morning tea that gets you going.

Magic Ingredients:

Mint Leaves: Freshens Breath, Fights Heartburn
Ginger: Energises the Body, Reduces Stress