December 5 was a landmark day in Steadfast Athlete Jyoti Gupta’s career. The bikini athlete was awarded the prestigious pro card by the International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness (IFBB) after winning the gold medal at the Amateur Olympia. This was her debut appearance at the International Health, Sports, and Fitness Festival held in Mumbai from December 3 to 5. The pro card automatically earns her an entry into the international pro leagues and, eventually, a chance to compete in the prestigious Bikini Olympia, organised by the IFBB, which takes place in Las Vegas every September.
The Steadfast Athlete competed in the Women’s Bikini category, among the most popular and glamorous of all the competitions at the event- Athletes aren’t just supposed to showcase their muscles, but are also judged on the quality of their skin, hair, makeup, and even the bikini they’re wearing. They hence need to be perfect from head to toe. Preparation for the competition involves weeks or even years of following a gruelling diet and exercise regimen with a focus on the right nutritional supplements.
The preparation is thus one that requires participants to be strong inside out. Steadfast helped Jyoti with both aspects. After the event, an ecstatic Jyoti thanked Steadfast for “nurturing” her and providing the right supplements needed to attain her terrific form. She attributed her success to multiple Steadfast supplements, including Incredible Whey, Power Glutamine, and Steadfast Multivitamin Capsules.
"Steadfast Nutrition is a company that not only provides the right nutrition to athletes but also stands with them, nurtures them, helps them grow. It truly is a brand for the athletes, and by the athletes. During my preparation for the IHFF, I used multiple Steadfast products to be in perfect shape and have the right frame of mind. I took Incredible Whey after a workout, Power Glutamine for recovery, Steadfast Fish Oil for my cardiovascular health, Steadfast Multivitamin for fulfilling the micronutrient requirements during the preparation, 5-HTP for being able to focus, overcoming fatigue, and Melatonin as a sleep aid,” Jyoti recounted.
Jyoti also bagged the silver medal at the Sheru Classic Model Hunt- the other bodybuilding championship organised at the IHFF. Fellow Steadfast Athlete Surbhi Jaiswar won the gold. Jyoti has always been a fitness freak. She now dreams to represent the country at the international Bikini Olympia. Infact, it is hard to believe that the gritty athlete has made her comeback to the stage only recently. Her first event this year was at the recently-held National Physique Committee Bodybuilding and Physique Championship, in which she clinched the silver medal.
Commenting on Jyoti’s winning streak, Mr Aman Puri, founder, Steadfast Nutrition, said, "It feels great to see the company’s efforts bearing fruit. We are proud of the way Jyoti has performed in 2021. From NPC to the IHFF, she perfectly defined the term ‘Steadfast Athlete’. The company would continue supporting her in the journey ahead. We hope she brings glory to the nation at the Olympia 2022.”