Nov 06, 2020

The rapid rise of COVID-19 has left everyone dismayed. It has been suggested by WHO and other health authorities to take precautions and have strong immunity, which may help reduce the chances of catching this deadly virus.

Our immunity is strongly influenced by the intake of nutrients and enhancing the functioning of immunoglobulins responsible for providing immunity. As the epidemic of Coronavirus outbreak continues, the demand for immunity supplements has spiked along with sanitisers and masks.

1. Multivitamins and Immune Health

Multivitamins can help increase immunity by providing essential nutrients which either act as antioxidants or coenzyme in the antioxidant pathway. Antioxidants are considered to help improve immunity by combating damage caused due to free radicals. It has been observed that improved antioxidant potential in the body can reduce oxidative stress and improve any immunity compromised conditions.

Vitamins and their role in increasing immunity

It has become vital to take multivitamin capsules with antioxidants to build stronger immunity and fight against oxidation, as the chances of getting coronavirus are high in case of compromised immunity.

Vitamin C possesses the highest antioxidant potentials, protecting the cellular structure. Also, ascorbic acid is a well-known mechanism in pro-oxidant effects.

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin shield against oxidative damage and lipid peroxidation.

Vitamin A also called retinoic acid can inhibit viral hepatitis by regulating antioxidant enzymatic activity.

Vitamin D enhances the total antioxidant capacity, glutathione activity, and other metabolic enzymes. Epidemiological associations have proposed that lack of vitamin D leads to increased risk of viral respiratory infection and suppressive effect adaptive immunity, particularly T regulatory cells. (Hansdottir & Monick, 2011).

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) helps recycle the most crucial antioxidant in the body i.e. glutathione.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin) increases the activity of endogenous antioxidant enzymes.

Vitamin B12 plays a role in oxidative stress cycle as its subclinical deficiency leads to the generation of reactive oxygen species.

Role of probiotic

Coronavirus mainly attacks the respiratory system. The pathology of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts are closely related, and that’s why dysfunction in one organ induces illness in the other. Probiotics like lactic acid bacteria are commonly used in dietary supplements and act as immune-modulatory agents that affect the functioning of immune cells, which migrate into the lungs.


2) Glutamine and Immune Health

Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in our body, primarily present in the liver and skeletal muscles. It acts as a fuel for the synthesis of our immune cells.

Glutamine deficiency in the body might significantly contribute to the worsening of diseases or infections with life-threatening complications.

To have a power-packed immune system, we also need to keep our gut healthy. Glutamine is an important nutrient required for the synthesis of the protective barrier formed between the small intestine and outer blood area. It benefits us by preventing the entry of harmful pathogens, toxins and foreign bodies in our gut, hence keeping diseases and infections at bay.

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3) Tri Fibre and Immune System

Dietary fibre is one of the essential parts of a well-balanced diet. Our diet should contain a blend of both soluble and insoluble fibre, as both benefit our body in their ways. Soluble fibre has many additional merits as compared to insoluble ones, which includes boosting immune health. Immune health is highly dependent upon the gut, which is called the second brain of the body. Millions of bacteria reside in our gut, and it is crucial to maintain a healthy microbial balance.

Soluble fibre contributes to boosting our immunity by causing an increase in the production of an anti-inflammatory protein called interleukin-4. In addition, our immune cells become anti-inflammatory, which aids in recovering faster from infections. A study published under the British Journal of Nutrition in 2002 mentioned that consumption of prebiotic dietary fibre leads to favourable changes in our immune cells, gut physiology and gut microflora. Hence, to ensure the intake of requisite dietary fibre, Tri Fibre is an excellent option.

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4) Collastead and Immune System

Collagen, the most abundant fibrous protein, is made up of 19 amino acids. It is the main protein of the connective tissue, the major component of the extracellular matrix that supports tissues and builds skin, bones, tendons, ligaments and joints.

Since collagen is made up of many essential amino acids, that not only play a role in building structure but also immunity. Marine-derived type I collagen is a major structural component of our skin, bones, tendons and other connective tissues. Buy collagen. It has been observed in a study that T lymphocytes are involved in providing immunity proliferate in response to type I collagen in patients with scleroderma (SSc Kenath et. al., 2006).

Sufficient levels of vitamin C may contribute to the prevention of the common cold, which is also one of the acute symptoms of being affected by coronavirus. Its deficiency results in reduced immunity, and it enhances the activity of phagocytes and T-cells (Strohle 2009). Studies suggest that its supplementation may have a potential role in preventing the onset of immunity compromised diseases.

Rosehip plant extract is a fruit extract which is rich in polyphenols, vitamin A, C, E and some other nutrients. It has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidative, gastro-protective and immunomodulatory properties that help strengthen the immune system.

To sum up, this provides an overview that with an intake of dietary supplements like multivitamins, soluble fibre like Tri Fibre, Glutamine and Collastead collectively offer potent antioxidant properties which may protect against this lethal virus.