May 27, 2021

Two of the most popular varieties of seeds are Chia & Flax seeds for their nutrient profile. Packed with fibre, protein and a type of omega-3 fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), chia and flax seeds are superfoods that can help to improve your digestive, cardiovascular and cognitive health. 

Chia seeds are oval-shaped seeds that come from the desert plant Salvia hispanica, a plant native to parts of Guatemala and Mexico. Whereas, Flax seeds are flatter and bigger in size that comes from the flax plant, Linum usitatissimum. They are available in whole, ground, or roasted forms, also often processed into flaxseed oil. 

But Chia seeds are difficult to acquire due to lesser availability and cost-effectiveness. Also, flax seeds contain a phytochemical known as lignans, which helps reduce harsh symptoms of menopause.

Chia seeds are smaller and blander tasting, whereas flax seeds are larger and nuttier in flavour. 

Both seeds are very nutritious. If you’re looking for the most omega-3s, pick flax seeds. And if you’re seeking the highest amount of fibre and bone-strengthening minerals, go for chia seeds.

Eating either flax or chia seeds each day appears to help lower blood sugar levels.

Both flax and chia seeds contain insoluble fibre, which helps relieve constipation. Flax seeds contain more soluble fibre, which may help reduce diarrhoea. 

Flax seeds contain more soluble fibre than chia seeds, which may make them slightly more effective at reducing hunger and appetite. However, more studies are needed.  

You may choose seeds of your choice that would cater to your health needs.