Oct 26, 2020

If you want to transform your physique, then it’s crucial to keep pushing yourself during every workout. That’s why the intensity of the workout matters more than the duration!

When we perform intense training, our bodies trigger fatigue, which is a sigh of drop-in glycogen stores as a workout progresses, the key factors contributing to fatigue during a workout are discussed as follows:-

1) Hydrogen Buildup

It is most difficult to compete in the last set of repetitions, and your muscles feel exhausted. It is due to the buildup of hydrogen and other byproducts in your muscles. Glucose is first utilised for high-intensity training as it is simplest to convert into ATP. The breakdown of glucose releases CO2 and hydrogen as byproducts, which alerts the blood pH, making it acidic and leads to fatigue.

Body’s natural mechanism in response to it releases a Carnosine molecule, which increases the muscle's pH for better overall muscle function. As per studies, beta-alanine supplementation increases the carnosine synthesis, therefore improving exercise performance.

2) The fatigue factor

Central fatigue refers to the neural-fatiguing effects of exercise, as a protective mechanism to prevent overexertion. As the CNS mediated fatigue builds, the rate of perceived exertion also increases. Caffeine has been studied for its ability to offset fatigue, by blocking the neurotransmitter adenosine, with a tendency to delay fatigue. It can help increase endurance and reach peak plasma concentration within 15 minutes.

3) Ammonia Production

Skeletal muscles release ammonia during high-intensity exercise, usually upward of 80 per cent of VO2 max. Increased ammonia levels are also associated with increased fatigue and accelerating glycolysis and impact on the CNS. L- citrulline can counteract this effect and depict performance-enhancing effects, therefore, it is part of the urea cycle. Example high-level lifters who push weights to maximal intensities, usually use this supplement to train harder.

What should be done?

If you are not able to push yourself due to fatigue, then consider taking energy supplements or taking beta-alanine and citrulline supplements separately.

A pre-workout meal is important as it fills your glycogens stores, which can be utilised in a longer duration.

Intra workout energy electrolyte drinks can also keep you pumped up to keep you going.

It is time to break the plateau and perform beyond ordinary!


  • Sale, C., Saunders, B., & Harris, R. C. (2010). Effect of beta-alanine supplementation on muscle carnosine concentrations and exercise performance. Amino acids39(2), 321–333.
  • Zając, A., Chalimoniuk, M., Maszczyk, A., Gołaś, A., & Lngfort, J. (2015). Central and Peripheral Fatigue During Resistance Exercise - A Critical Review. Journal of human kinetics49, 159–169.
  • Trexler, E. T., et al. (2019).Acute Effects of Citrulline Supplementation on High‐Intensity Strength and Power Performance: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis.Citrulline Supplementation and High-Intensity Exercise.Sports Medicine, 49, 707–718.