15 Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

15 Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is often referred to as a wonder plant due to its numerous potential health benefits. Aloe vera has been used for centuries in traditional medicine and has gained popularity for its various therapeutic properties. Scientific research backs aloe vera’s promising results in improving health. More evidence is needed for some of its other health-improving properties. Aloe Vera’s versatility lies in its components, such as plant hormones auxins and gibberellins, anthraquinones, polyphenols, mucopolysaccharides, vitamins, and minerals which account for its laxative, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, hypoglycaemic, antiseptic properties.

Here are 15 health benefits of taking aloe vera:

1. Moisturising and anti-ageing effect:

Aloe vera is known for its moisturising and anti-ageing properties. It has been used for centuries in various skincare products and remedies due to its beneficial effects on the skin. Aloe vera gel contains a high water content, which helps hydrate and moisturise the skin. Mucopolysaccharides in aloe vera help bind moisture to the skin, making it beneficial for people with dry or sensitive skin. Aloe Vera is easily absorbed by the skin, providing a soothing and cooling effect. The wonder plant contains several antioxidants, including vitamins A, C, and E, which can help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals, reducing the signs of ageing, such as fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots. Aloe vera stimulates the production of collagen, a protein that gives skin elasticity and firmness. By promoting collagen synthesis (Buy collagen), aloe vera can help improve skin elasticity and firmness, giving it a more youthful appearance. 

2. Eases Intestinal Problems: 

Including Aloe vera juice in your everyday lifestyle can be very potent for managing various digestive illnesses. The juice extracted from the wonder plant can help detoxify the bowel, eliminate stomach acidity, and alleviate gastric ulcers and constipation. A research paper published in NCBI found aloe vera can lower abdominal discomfort/pain and flatulence in individuals with constipation-dominated irritable bowel syndrome and boost urgency, frequency and consistency of stool in these patients.

3. Reduces Constipation: 

Aloe vera has been traditionally used as a natural remedy for constipation. The gel and latex derived from the inner part of aloe vera leaf have potential laxative effects because of anthraquinone and polyphenols, which may help promote bowel movement and relieve constipation in some individuals. However, it's important to use aloe vera for constipation under the guidance of a healthcare professional and to consider other lifestyle and dietary changes. The latex of aloe vera contains compounds called anthraquinone, such as aloin, which have a laxative effect. These compounds can stimulate contractions in the intestines and increase the movement of stool, leading to improved bowel regularity. Aloe vera gel also contains polysaccharides that may contribute to its potential laxative properties.

4. Heals and Soothes Wounds: 

This is one of the bountiful benefits of Aloe Vera- whether it’s burns, scraps, cuts, or regular sunburn from the scorching heat, aloe vera can work wonders. It is a mild anaesthetic that helps relieves swelling, itching, and pain. A published by NCBI found aloe vera expedites  burn wounds, cuts, and sunburn healing due to its anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and immunity-boosting effects and its ability to lower histamine activity. Plant hormones auxins and gibberellins in aloe vera stimulates collagen synthesis, accelerating wound contraction and healing.

5. Reduces Arthritic Swelling: 

Studies suggest aloe vera gel extract has anti-inflammatory effects and reduces swelling in the arthritic joints. In a research paper by Galore International Journal of Applied Sciences and Humanities, researchers concluded Aloe Vera gel application is a non-pharmacological and practicable measure to lower the level of pain perception among individuals suffering from osteoarthritis.

6. Reduces Blood Sugar Levels:  

There is some evidence to suggest that aloe vera may have a positive effect on blood sugar levels, particularly in individuals with diabetes. However, it's important to note that aloe vera should not be used as a primary treatment for diabetes, and consultation with a healthcare professional is essential for proper management of the condition. The study published at NCBI suggests that supplementation with Aloe vera gel capsule and counselling by healthcare professionals remarkably lowered blood glucose levels and blood pressure accompanied by major or minor improvement in lipid profile in non-insulin-dependent diabetic individuals. 

7. Rich in Antioxidants: 

Aloe vera contains antioxidants- compounds that help protect the body against oxidative stress caused by harmful free radicals that can contribute to various diseases and ageing. Aloe vera gel and its extracts contain antioxidants: vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, flavonoids, and polyphenols, which help neutralise free radicals, reduce inflammation, and improve overall health.

8. Reduces Gum Infections: 

Aloe vera has been used for various oral health applications due to its potential anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. While there is limited scientific evidence specifically on aloe vera's effect on gum infections, some studies suggest that it may have beneficial effects. A study by NCBI- Aloe vera: Its effect on gingivitis concluded aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties, so can be used as an add-on to mechanical therapy that is widely used in treating plaque-causing gingivitis.

9. Reduces Eye Irritations and Injuries: 

Aloe vera has been used for centuries for its potential soothing and healing properties, and it is often found in various skincare and eye care products. While there is limited scientific evidence specifically on aloe vera's effect on eye irritations and injuries, it is believed to have some potential benefits in these cases. A research paper published by the National Center of Biotechnology Information found short-term topical AV treatment was effective in healing alkali-burned corneas and hastened corneal re-epithelialisation as compared to Medical Therapy(MT). However, Aloe vera gel-derived eye drops did not work well- no reduction in the inflammatory response was found.

10. Reduces Rashes and Allergy: 

Aloe vera is a popular plant known for its medicinal properties and has been used for centuries to treat various skin conditions, including rashes and allergies. While there is anecdotal evidence supporting the benefits of aloe vera for these conditions, scientific research is somewhat limited and further studies are needed to fully understand its effectiveness.

11. Reduces Lung Congestion: 

Aloe vera has been used in traditional medicine to support respiratory health. It is believed to have expectorant properties, which means it may help loosen and expel mucus from the lungs, potentially providing some relief from congestion symptoms. Nevertheless, more rigorous scientific research is needed to validate these claims and understand the mechanisms of action involved.

12. Helps In Staying Hydrated: 

The Aloe Vera plant is water-dense, therefore it can be used to provide hydration to the body or treat dehydration. If you stay hydrated, it can help your body detox by providing a way to remove and flush out impurities from the body. Consuming Aloe Vera juice can benefit overall health as it consists of a punch of nutrients that improves organ output, which is important since your liver and kidneys are responsible for the function of detoxifying your blood and producing urine. Recovery from exerting exercise also requires proper hydration with the help of extra fluids. The human body requires more fluids to get rid of lactic acid buildup from exercising. 

13. Used as a Mouth wash: 

Aloe vera juice is sometimes used as a mouthwash due to its potential oral health benefits. Aloe vera has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help promote oral hygiene and soothe oral tissues. When used as a mouthwash, aloe vera juice can help freshen breath, reduce plaque buildup, and alleviate gum inflammation. It may also help heal mouth ulcers or minor oral irritations. To use aloe vera juice as a mouthwash, you can dilute it with water and swish it around in your mouth for a short time before spitting it out. Some people prefer using pure aloe vera gel instead of juice, but it is important to choose a product specifically designed for oral use. It's worth noting that while aloe vera juice can be used as a complementary oral care practice, it should not replace regular brushing, flossing, and professional dental care. Maintaining a good oral hygiene routine, visiting the dentist regularly, and following their recommendations are crucial for optimal oral health.

14. Helps Relieve Heartburn:

Aloe vera contains polysaccharides and antioxidants, which have anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. These properties may help soothe the irritation and inflammation of the oesophagus caused by acid reflux, providing relief from heartburn symptoms. A study published by NCBI found Aloe vera may provide a safe, yet effective treatment in lowering the symptoms of GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease). Some individuals find drinking aloe vera juice or consuming aloe vera gel before meals can help alleviate heartburn symptoms. However, it is important to choose commercially available aloe vera products specifically designed for internal use and follow the recommended dosage guidelines.

15. Strengthens Immune System: 

This versatile plant contains several naturally-occurring vitamins— including the antioxidants vitamins C, A, and E and minerals such as chromium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, copper, manganese, zinc, selenium, and potassium, other beneficial amino acids that play a vital role in the functioning of the immune system and preventing infections.

While aloe vera supplements are usually safe to take, locally-obtained aloe vera should be taken with caution. Aloe vera gel is safe to take, but the liquid yellow part which oozes out of them after cutting aloe vera should be avoided.

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