Mar 16, 2021

Edamame belongs to the family of soybean. They are a plant-based excellent source of proteins, low in calories but with plenty of vitamins and minerals. It has a mildly sweet, nutty flavour and can be eaten raw as a snack, in boiled, roasted or cooked form. 

Edamame soybean is a complete source of protein which means that it contains all essential amino acids. Fresh soybean constitutes approx. 35-38% protein. It has isoflavones and tocopherols in abundance. The presence of isoflavones makes edamame excellent for brain health as it minimises the risk of cognitive decline improves memory and concentration. The presence of isoflavones has also been shown favourable for women experiencing post-menopausal symptoms like mood swings, hot flashes and sweating. Studies indicate that women who consume edamame in their diet are less likely to experience these symptoms.

Edamame favours our heart health by providing essential nutrients like proteins, dietary fibre, folate, vitamin K and antioxidants. Clinical trials have shown that edamame has the potential to reduce LDL cholesterol and improve overall triglyceride profile. By preventing the bad cholesterol from getting deposited, improves heart health and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disorders in the long run. 

Edamame contains fewer carbohydrates having a low glycemic index, therefore, can easily be consumed by diabetics without any risk of blood sugar spikes or hyperglycemia.

Being exceptionally rich in calcium, edamame promotes bone health, bone density and prevents osteoporosis. These soybeans prevent our bones from getting weak, brittle and fragile which cuts down the risk of stress and fall fractures.

Phytonutrients present in edamame beans are also thought to protect against prostate and breast cancer. In addition, antioxidants in the form of phenolic compounds combat free radicals exerting an anti-tumour effect.

Edamame has high dietary fibre content which promotes digestive health by maintaining a healthy microbiota in the gut. The presence of both soluble and insoluble dietary fibre helps prevent any indigestion issues, promote bowel movement and assist in the smooth functioning of our digestive system.

Edamame works wonders for our brain health as it contains a vitamin-like nutrient - choline. It is utilised by our body to synthesise acetylcholine which is a neurotransmitter and required for healthy brain functioning. Choline also fights inflammation in the body and offers protection against diseases like diabetes, heart disorders and asthma.

To sum up, edamame soybeans are amazingly healthy. They are a rich source of nutrients like folate, vitamin K1, thiamine, riboflavin, manganese, copper, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and iron. They are tasty hence can eat raw as healthy snacks or in soups, stews, pulaos, etc. Avoid consuming them, in case you are allergic to edamame beans. 


  • Mentreddy, Rao & Mohamed, A. & Joshee, Nirmal & Yadav, A.. (2002). Edamame: A Nutritious Vegetable Crop. 
  • A. Widiyawati and Y. Susindra 2018 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 207 012039
  • Zang, Y., Zhang, L., Igarashi, K., & Yu, C. (2015). The anti-obesity and anti-diabetic effects of kaempferol glycosides from unripe soybean leaves in high-fat-diet mice. Food & function6(3), 834–841.