Weight loss depends on a lot of factors, so it becomes very important for us to be mindful of our eating and adopt strategies ranging from strength training to eating a high protein diet. It is all about self-discipline, dedication, resilience and perseverance. 

  • The quality and quantity of food that you eat plays a big role in weight loss. Eat good quality whole foods and avoid processed food items as much as you can in your diet.
  • It is very important to lift weights when you are trying to lose weight as it helps to maintain your muscle mass and helps your body to burn more body fat. Strength training helps to boost our metabolism and contributes to a long term fat loss. 
  • Drinking adequate amounts of water helps to lose weight. It reduces our calorie intake and boosts calorie burning.
  • Getting some sunlight in the morning helps to meet your vitamin D requirements that prevent weight gain and aids in weight loss. Try to get 10-15 minutes of sunlight each morning to increase your weight loss results. 
  • Try to bring awareness to your feelings, thoughts and connect with food through your senses. Mindfulness helps to promote healthy eating habits which aid in weight loss.
  • Have a fixed bedtime and get some extra sleep as it helps to lose weight. Sleep deprivation is linked to increased appetite and cravings for high-calorie foods and increased calorie intake. To get good results there is a need to focus on an 8-hour sleep per night. 
  • When you take time and chew your food, it is linked to increased fullness, decreased food intake and smaller portion sizes. Fast eaters are more likely to gain weight than slow eaters.

Different foods have different effects on satiety and hunger. Like a cake slice with 600 calories will not be able to make you full but a portion of chicken breast with 200 calories may make you feel full. Weight loss is about choosing the right kind of foods that helps to keep you satiated for a longer period of time with the least amount of calories. 

Food options to choose from:

  • Boiled potatoes: They rank number 1 on the satiety index. Whole potatoes are great when it comes to weight loss as they are loaded with important nutrients, fibre, vitamins and resistant starch (It contains 50% fewer calories than regular starch). They can satisfy your hunger, and should be opted over fried potato chips which are not filling at all. 
  • Oatmeal: It is a good source of soluble fibre (Beta-glucan), which helps to slow down the absorption of carbs and digestion. 
  • Other options to include: Broth-based soups, Legumes (lentils, peas and beans), Apples (contains pectin a kind of soluble fibre that helps to slow digestion and keeps you full), Citrus Fruits (They are high in water and pectin), Fish (High in omega-3 fatty acids and protein), Lean meats, Cottage cheese (high in calcium, B vitamins, selenium, phosphorus), Vegetables (High in volume, low in calories), Popcorn (High in fibre and volume, more filling than potato chips.) 

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